steps you should know about panel installation | solar panel installation

solar panel installation… For a layman understanding, solar panel is an electrical device that convert solar energy to electrical energy. Furthermore, it converts energy from sun to direct current. Therefore, solar panel must be placed in a strategic position where sunlight is in abundant in other to function effectively.

On this note, Solar panel mount process can never be overemphasized. And if you really need to clear your worries on the steps you should undergo before you can mount your solar panels successfully either for your self or for your client. Then you are at the right place and you should keep reading because the solution to your questions is just one step ahead of you.

steps you should know about solar panel installation | solar panel installation

Solar panel mounting or installation is the process of fixing, connecting and wiring of solar panels on a structure, such as a rooftop, iron stand or on the ground, to enhance solar energy for electricity generation. Below are the few steps to undergo while installing solar panels:

solar panel installation

six (6) steps you should know about solar panel installation | solar panel installation

1. Site Survey:

A solar panel installer should visit the proposed installation site to evaluate some necessary factors like available space, obstructions if any, sunlight direction and suitable structure to mount the panel.

  • The installer should take note of the available space to ensure it will contain the required solar panels for the installation.
  • Also, it is expected from the installer to clear any shade that will obstruct the panels from getting the maximum sun light. In contrast, the solar panel installer should choose a site that is free from any obstruction from the unset.
  • Sunlight direction is a vital factor while considering the space to mount your solar panel. Every professional solar panel installer must know the four-cardinal point of the earth. Because you will always work with sun set and sun down. But this is not big issue if you don’t know it because I got you covered on it.  Check out this article to get familiar on the best direction to face your solar panels for maximum output.
  • The best structure to mount your solar panel should depend on any available safe structure, either your client has a safety guarantied roof top or you prepare an iron structure car pack alike. But I will go deep into how to construct an iron structure for your solar panel in next article. So, it will be nice if you check back so as to miss no vital information on your solar installation journey.

2. Paper work sketch:

The solar installer will mount the solar panels based on the site assessment and energy requirements. Therefore, you should make a sketch of the panel arrangement before embarking on the implementation or mounting stage. This will enable you to make a perfect panel arrangement. Also, it will enhance in the panel terminal wiring and connections.

3. Panel mounting:

Solar panels are mounted in a way that it forms an array. So, this is where step 1 and step 2 above are implemented. If the panels are to be installed on the roof. Firstly, you should fix mounting brackets or racks on the roof surface. Subsequently, panels are arranged on the racks accordingly. Lastly, the mounted solar panels are tightened firmly on the racks with help of bolt and nuts. Therefore, to ensure that the panels are securely mounted and angled correctly to maximize output.

4. panel terminals wiring:

Each Solar panel has two output terminals labelled positive “+ve” and negative “-ve”.  The wiring pattern of this terminals can be in three different forms, either series, parallel or hybrid connection. But the type of connection to adopt here depend on your desired power, voltage and current output. Ensure to check here for the different ways you can connect solar panel terminals for optimum efficiency.

5. System Testing and commissioning:

At this stage, the installed solar panels are ready for use. But professionally it is demanded of you the installer to conduct a professional check or test before using the system. This is to ensure the solar panel array is giving out the expected and accurate value. After which, the solar panel can now be commissioned. Solar panel commissioning is not properly done if the installer fails to mention about the need for routine maintenance on the panel. I will discuss in detail solar panel maintenance in my future post and I advise you bookmark this website. Because, more about solar system will soon be addressed here.

6. maintenance:

After the installation stages and the system is operating as required. You as the installer should schedule a routine maintenance with the client. It is important to regularly monitor and maintain solar panel to enhance its performance. This includes cleaning the panels, removing any material that can cast shade to the panels, ensuring there is no loosed connections and maintaining optimal energy production.


In summary, it is recommended to hire a professional solar Engineer or contractor with experience in solar panel installation to ensure a safe and efficient installation process. Because solar panel is a fragile device and any little error can damage the panel beyond repair.

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